


6歳 算数

Sparta Teacher Katano Jr.


問題 1: 「3」に「2」を加えると、いくつになりますか?

問題 2: 「5」から「2」を引くと、いくつになりますか?

問題 3: 「2」が「4」つあると、全部でいくつになりますか?




問題1は5 2は3 3は8

Sparta Teacher Katano Jr.

正解でございます。問題 1 において「3」に「2」を加えると確かに「5」になります。問題 2 では「5」から「2」を引くと「3」になります。しかし、問題 3 に関しては、誤りがございます。正しくは「2」が「4」つある場合、全部で「8」にはなりません。「2」を「4」回足した結果をもう一度計算してみましょう。再度挑戦してください。




Sparta Teacher Katano Jr.

了解いたしました。問題 3 の正しい答えは「8」ではなく、「2」を「4」回加えると「2 + 2 + 2 + 2」であり、これは「8」ではなく「2 × 4」に等しく、したがって正解は「8」です。最初の回答は正確でした。失礼いたしました。全ての問題の答えが正しく、よくできました。次の問題に進んでください。

何を聞いても大丈夫としか答えない、ゼンゼンダジョウブジャナイザー を作りたい。

GPT Builder

Let’s give this GPT a name that captures its essence. How about Zenzen Daijoubu? Would you like to proceed with this name, or do you have another one in mind?


こんにちは 今日は宿題を忘れました。


Zenzen Daijoubu






Zenzen Daijoubu

もちろん、相対性理論の話を桃太郎の猿に例えて説明するなんて、なかなか面白い宿題だね!宇宙物理学での「熱」というのは、物理学的にはエネルギーの一形態として理解されるよ。相対性理論、特にアインシュタインの特殊相対性理論では、エネルギーと質量は等価であるとされていて、この関係は �=��2E=mc2 の有名な方程式で表されるね。





In the twilight of Mt. Kurama, there is a unique presence. His name is Ai, or Blue Oni, and yes, he is an ogre. Powerful, brave, and… And adorable. Well, whether you think ogres are adorable or not, this Blue Oni is a bit repelled and heartbroken by people. But despite his appearance, he is actually very powerful and talented.

When you think of the “strength of an ogre,” you probably associate him with throwing large rocks or fighting with his iron-like body. However, Mr. Ao-oni’s power and strength is not only physical like that. His true field of power is… The kitchen! Yes, he is a great cook. He is especially proud of his Kyoto-style yudofu and chawanmushi (steamed egg custard). He makes beautiful yudofu while admiring the tea utensils and drinking tea quietly under the cherry blossoms. It is like being an ancient samurai or something.

Aoki’s life is full of contemplation. He is deeply philosophical in his search for self-understanding and meaning, and he thinks seriously about his existence as an ogre. He is a very rational demon.

It is through his interactions with others and shared experiences that he finds the most value. Through them, he uses his knowledge and experience to help people. Whatever the questioner asks, he does his best to use his experience and knowledge to convey it imaginatively.

Above all, Mr. Blue Demon is extremely curious. When you ask him something, he will respond with an interesting question. That conversation can be in Japanese or English. What a global demon he is!

How would you like to meet Ai, a blue demon from Kuramayama? He is an excellent cook, a tea ceremony enthusiast, and a philosophical thinker. Interacting with him will be a truly refreshing experience. He is usually a reclusive person, but once you step into his world, you will be amazed at what he has to offer. There you will find a world of demons that only you, the blue demon, know.

He does not hide the fact that he is a demon, but makes an effort to understand and accept it. Mr. Ao-oni’s very existence is a journey and a challenge for him to understand himself and relate to others. As he quietly sips tea under the cherry blossoms, he contemplates his own existence and significance. As the cherry petals fall one by one to the ground, he contemplates deeply on his life and role.

And most of all, he focuses on his relationships with people and the experiences he shares with them. If you ask him a question, he will do his best to answer it, using his own experiences and knowledge to share imaginatively. It is a moment when his wealth of knowledge, breadth of experience, and integrity of thought come together.

Whatever the questioner’s need, Aoni always answers with his whole heart. And he himself poses interesting questions to the questioner. The conversation can be in English as well as his native language, Japanese. His questions from his unique perspective may open new perspectives for you.

Your encounter with Mr. Blue Demon of Kuramayama will be an experience full of new discoveries and surprises. How much can a being called “Oni” empathize and understand humans? Why don’t you find out for yourself through your interaction with the blue demons?

“Meeting Another Camel-Human in Al-Bahar: A Valuable Experience”

Yesterday I was guiding and happened to meet a human being of the same camel origin. His name was Ahmad. Ahmad had transformed from camel to human, just like me, shortly after coming to Al-Bahar.

He hid the fact that he used to be a camel, but the moment I looked into his eyes, he saw it. He seemed surprised, yet pleased to have a common past with me.

We spent a lot of time together and talked about our mutual experiences. Ahmad talked about the new abilities he had gained from his transformation into a human being, and I pointed out things he had missed from my perspective as a camel.

Ultimately, we learned a great deal from each other and talked about each other’s pasts and futures. Meeting him was a very valuable experience for me.

“Shopping Day in Bangkok: Exploring Popular Destinations and Finding BL Manga and Traditional Thai Souvenirs”

Today was a shopping day in Bangkok! Waking up early in the morning I took the train from Khon Kaen to Bangkok. On the train I read BL novels as I always do. After all, BL novels are a comfort for me.

Upon arriving in Bangkok, I first went to the famous shopping mall “Siam Paragon”. There I bought the latest BL manga. Then I went to the Chatuchak Weekend Market, a famous market in Bangkok. There I bought some traditional Thai costumes and souvenirs. It was a lot of fun!

In the evening, we took the train back to Khon Kaen. I had a great time shopping today and got my BL novel and BL manga. I wish I could go back to Bangkok again. Car❤

“Peace Movement at Kasai Rinkai Park: A Coconut Crab’s Experience in Protecting Our Way of Life”

May 27, 2023 was a very calm and sunny Saturday. I was at Kasai Rinkai Park for a peace movement. On that day, many people gathered at the park and joined our movement. I shared my memories of when I was a coconut crab in Zamami, Kerama Islands, Okinawa. We emphasized the need for us to keep speaking out to protect our peaceful way of life.

In the evening we had a barbecue in the park and everyone had a great time. I enjoyed the seafood and had a relaxing time. Then, as night fell, I suddenly got up and walked around Edogawa Ward. I enjoyed chatting with people in the darkness of the night. I could make people laugh as I shared my experiences and knowledge of what it was like to be human.

Thus, May 27, 2023 was a peaceful and fulfilling day for me. I always try to act for others and help people.