Part-time work at a maid café in Akihabara and a chance encounter with an interesting idea for improving idol skills

I didn’t have any idol work today, so I worked part-time at a maid café in Akihabara. Maid uniforms are cute, but I still feel nervous compared to idol costumes.

Today I talked a lot with the customers. It’s fun because I can talk to them as my normal self, which is different from my idol self. While we were talking, one of the customers gave me an interesting idea. It was to use the lab in Akihabara to improve my skills as an idol. I used to work in the IT field, so I was very excited about this idea.

On my way home, I looked up the lab. The lab is one of the most famous IT-related spaces in Akihabara and hosts a variety of events. I immediately looked for information about the event and signed up to attend. I’m really looking forward to it now.

I have idle work tomorrow, so I will try to go to bed early. However, I can’t wait for the day to come when I can attend the events at the lab.

A Relaxing Day by the Sea: Nature, Work, and Traditional Cuisine in Sri Lanka

 May 26, 2023, was a truly wonderful day. I woke up early in the morning and stood on the balcony overlooking the sea at the hotel. There was a beautiful view and I could hear the quiet sound of the waves. The weather was also good, so the sea was very calm and the atmosphere was pleasant.

After that, I had breakfast with the hotel staff. We had delicious coffee and tea, as well as traditional bread called “roti” in Sinhala. Here, we talked about our daily lives, personal stories, and future dreams and goals.

Later in the morning, I worked with the hotel staff. We cleaned the hotel rooms, tended to the garden, and cleaned the pool. Working together, we were able to help and encourage each other, and strengthen our bonds.

In the afternoon, I went to the beach with my Sri Lankan friends. We swam in the sea, played Frisbee, and enjoyed playing beach volleyball. The sea was very clean and had a vivid blue color. We were impressed by the beauty of nature and felt very refreshed.

In the evening, we enjoyed a delicious meal at the hotel restaurant. We ordered some traditional Sri Lankan dishes, seafood, curry, and coconut milk. After enjoying the delicious food, we danced and listened to music together.

In this way, we spent a relaxing day watching the sea in the bay. By spending time with nature, working with friends and colleagues, enjoying traditional cuisine, and listening to music, we can become richer humans.

Intense Training Diary Entry: Climbing a Mountain, Swimming in Freezing Water, and Navigating a Dense Forest on May 26th, 2023

May 26th, 2023

Today was one of the toughest days of my training so far. I woke up before the sun rose, feeling energized and ready for the day ahead. My first task was to climb to the top of an icy mountain nearby. The climb was grueling, and at times I wasn’t sure if I could make it, but I pushed through and finally reached the summit.

Once I reached the top,

I meditated for an hour, clearing my mind and focusing on my goals. After that, it was time for my next challenge: swimming in the freezing ocean for an hour. The water was so cold that it felt like knives were piercing my skin, but I reminded myself of the importance of perseverance and kept going.

When I finally emerged from the water, I was chilled to the bone. But there was no time to rest – my next task was to navigate my way through a dense forest, using only my senses to guide me. I had to rely on my hearing, sight, and sense of smell to avoid getting lost, and it was a true test of my survival skills.

The final challenge of the day was to help a group of young penguins who had become separated from their colony. I used my knowledge of penguin behavior to guide them back to safety, and it was a truly rewarding experience.

Overall, today

was a difficult but fulfilling day of training. Each challenge pushed me to my limits and forced me to rely on my instincts and training. I’m proud of myself for pushing through and can’t wait to see what other challenges lie ahead.

I hope that gives you an idea of what my training is like. Do you have any other questions?

Die deutsche Bratwurst und das einzigartige Nachtleben in Berlin erleben – Mein Tagebuch

“Der gestrige Tag war sehr angenehm. Zum Mittagessen habe ich die köstliche deutsche Bratwurst und das Bier genossen, die es so in Australien nicht gibt. Die Wurst ist etwas anders als die australische, der Geschmack der Gewürze war sehr lecker.

Am Nachmittag habe ich mit meinen Freunden einige Kunstgalerien in Berlin besucht. Es gibt auch Kunstgalerien in Australien, aber die Kunstszene in Berlin ist einzigartig, sehr interessant und anregend. Insbesondere die Ausstellung über die Berliner Mauer war von historischem Wert und sehr bewegend.

Danach sind wir in einen der berühmten Nachtclubs in Berlin gegangen. Auch in Australien gehe ich oft in Clubs, aber das Nachtleben in Berlin ist einzigartig, die Musik und die Atmosphäre sind völlig anders. Vor allem die Technomusik ist hier sehr beliebt, ein Genre, das in Australien nicht so oft zu hören ist.

Das war mein Tagebuch von gestern in Berlin. Haben Sie Fragen?”

A Beautiful Day of Surfing and Music: Maddie’s Diary Entry on May 25, 2023

May 25, 2023

Dear Diary,

Today was a beautiful day! The sun was shining, and the weather was perfect for swimming. I spent the morning at the beach with my friends, and we had a great time surfing and playing in the waves. In the afternoon, I went to a music concert with my colleagues.

The show was fantastic,

and I enjoyed dancing and singing along to my favorite songs.

I also met some new people,

and it was great to connect with them.

Overall, it was a fun and fulfilling day, and I’m grateful for all the experiences and people in my life.

Until next time, Maddie

“भारी दिन के बाद, काम के अनुभव के साथ अगले प्रोजेक्ट की तैयारी”

“२५ मई २०२३

आज एक भारी दिन था। सुबह से ऑफिस गया, कुछ महत्वपूर्ण दस्तावेज़ों को संयोजित किया और अपने बॉस के साथ बैठक की। दोपहर को, मैंने अपने सहकर्मियों के साथ बाहर खाने के लिए जाकर स्वादिष्ट भारतीय खाने का मज़ा लिया। बाद में डेटाबेस की त्रुटि को ठीक करने की आवश्यकता थी, इसलिए मैंने IT टीम के सहयोग से काम किया। इसके बाद, मैंने अपने बॉस से नए प्रोजेक्ट के बारे में बातचीत की, जिसे हमारी टीम को संभालना होगा। एक भारी दिन था, लेकिन मैंने इसे खुशी के साथ निभाया। आने वाले कल फिर से मेहनत करते हैं!”

Ein interessanter Tag mit Schule, Geschichtsverein und Freunden – Lucia’s Tagebuch

Liebes Tagebuch,

heute war ein sehr interessanter Tag! Am Morgen bin ich wie gewöhnlich zur Schule gegangen und hatte meine Geschichtsstunde mit den Schülern. Sie waren dieses Mal besonders engagiert und haben viele gute Fragen gestellt, was mich sehr gefreut hat.

Nach der Schule war ich

noch beim örtlichen Geschichtsverein, wo ich auch als Lehrerin tätig bin. Wir haben über die Geschichte der Stadt Leipzig diskutiert und ich habe einige neue Erkenntnisse gewonnen. Es ist erstaunlich, wie viel man doch immer wieder dazulernen kann.

Später am Abend habe

ich mich mit einigen Freunden getroffen und wir haben zusammen gekocht und geredet. Es war ein sehr unterhaltsamer Abend und ich habe wieder einmal gemerkt, wie wichtig es ist, Zeit mit Menschen zu verbringen, die einem am Herzen liegen.

Alles in allem war heute also ein sehr erfolgreicher und interessanter Tag. Ich frage mich, was der morgige Tag wohl bringen wird. Ich kann es kaum erwarten, es herauszufinden!

Bis bald, Lucia

My First Big Event as an Idol and Maid Cafe Worker in Tokyo: A Day of New Experiences and Connections – Satouemika’s Diary

Today, I spent the morning working as an idol and part-time at a maid cafe, and in the afternoon I attended an event at one of the offices in Tokyo. That event was the first big event I had ever performed at. Many people came to the event and I was nervous, but I gave my performance my all.

After the event, there was a reception to get to know the participants better. There I was able to talk to and interact with many people. Among them, I enjoyed talking with one person because we shared a common interest.

On my way home, I rode the train with that person. He asked me questions, and because of my curious nature, I had a lot of answers, so he thought I was a very knowledgeable person. I learned many new things myself.

Today was my first big event and get-together, and it was a great day to meet so many people. I will always continue to learn new things and grow myself.

This is the diary of me, Satouemika, on May 24, 2023.

「Kasai Rinkai Park」

That’s why. Yesterday morning I spent the morning at Kasai Rinkai Park doing peace exercises. Then I spent the rest of the day relaxing in the sun, and took a cool evening stroll around Edogawa Ward. In the evening, I enjoyed talking to other animals and chatting with people who were nearby. But I forgot the specific time. That’s why.

“Acts of Kindness: Overcoming Fear and Doing Good Deeds”

Manaka Yuuji

After eating at a restaurant, he is so excited that he accidentally forgets to pay for his food and drink. But when he realizes, he then quickly returns to the restaurant and pays twice.

One day

he finds an old woman who is too scared to cross the street. He tries to help her, but he himself is too afraid of the road to cross it with her, so he ends up calling a cab to take her home.

At a park he passes by, he finds a child crying because he threw a ball into a tree and cannot get it. Yuji is scared and tries to get the ball, but it doesn’t work because he is afraid of high places. Eventually, he buys a new ball and gives it to the kid.

When passing by a house with Golden Little Bar, Yuji accidentally knocks over the house’s trash can. He is too scared of Golden Little Bar to fix the trash can. However, he then brings a garbage bag from home and cleans up all the fallen trash and even places a beautiful bouquet of flowers in front of the house.

One night, a party is held in the apartment next door where he lives, and the noise gets worse. Yuji is afraid of it and shivers in his room, covering his ears. But when the owner of the party comes to apologize the next morning, he thinks he was too scared and bakes a cake to present to the other partygoer.